Emys orbicularis in Denmark

Species name:Emys orbicularis
Group:Reptilia & amphibia
Common names:Europæisk sumpskildpadde
Time of introduction:
Year of first report:1996
Type of introduction:Intentional
Distribution details:S-&E-part
Donor area:Unknown origin, perhaps from East Europe
Status:Not established
Invasiveness:Not invasive
Impact:Not known
Comments:In the period after the last ice age the species was widespread on many larger Danish islands and in East Jutland. In the late 1800s, it was released in Sorø lake and by Hesselø. Today there might be a small population in Mid Jutland. Most recently, in 1996, a turtle was found in Silkeborg and this is most likely a case of a private pet being set free or released into nature.
Last updated10-01-2016 (day-month-year)
Resources: Google image search
  • Hvass,H., 1970. Krybdyr. I: Danmarks Dyreverden. Bd.5: 170-255. Hvass,H (red.). Rosenkilde og Bakker.
  • Jensen,J.K., 1983. Danmarks Krybdyr. Natur og Museum 22 hft.1.
  • Kåre Fog, Adam Schmedes, Dorte Rosenørn de Lasson 1997. Nordens Padder og krybdyr. G.E.C. Gads forlag, København. pp 364.
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